[四川师范大学化学与材料科学学院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2018年9月13日







简  历


1.2014/12–2016/1哈弗大学, 热电材料, 访问学者

2.2006/9–2009/3, 四川大学, 材料学, 博士, 导师:郭少云

3.2003/9–2006/6, 四川大学, 材料学, 硕士, 导师:郭少云

4.1999/9–2003/6, 四川大学, 高分子科学与工程, 学士









1. 功能气凝胶的功能化研究

2. 气凝胶前驱体结晶过程的物理化学研究

3. 有机/无机热电材料的研究

4. 文物和功能涂层防腐性能研究



1. 国家自然科学面上项目,51873133,冰晶模板组装技术中通过热力学因素调控气凝胶微观结构与性能的机理研究, 2019/01-2022/12,在研,主持

2. 四川大学国家重点实验室项目1项,主持,在研

3.国家自然科学基金青年基金,51303116,有机-无机复合气凝胶热电性能的研究,2014/01-2016/12 ,已结题,主持

4. 中国博士后基金, 2011M501411,超声辅助制备PET/石墨烯纳米复合材料,2011/01-2012/12,已结题

5. 主持多项企业(文物防腐、高粘高弹剂的配方优化设计等)和省市级项目

在包括Advanced Functional MaterialsGreen ChemistryJournal of Hazardous Materials等权威国际同行评审期刊上作为第一和通讯作者发表了50多篇学术论文。她已注册了10余项国际发明专利(6项已授权)。




1. Leakag e-proof Phase Change Composites Supported by Biomass Carbon Aerogels from Succulents, Yanhong Wei; Juanjuan Li; Furong Sun; Jinrong Wu*; Lijuan Zhao*, Green Chemistry, 2018(20):1858-1868.(IF:8.586)

2. Jiyu Yang, Longfei Yi(共一作者),xiao FangLijuanZhao*, Jinrong Wu. Self-healing and Recyclable Biomass Aerogel Formed by Electrostatic Interaction. Chemical Engineering Journal,2019.(IF 6.7)

3. Multi-functional composite aerogels enabled by chemical integration of graphene oxide and waterborne polyurethane via a facile and green method. Furong Sun, Jiyu Yang, Huan Zhang, Longfei Yi, Kaijun Luo, LijuanZhao*, JinrongWu*. Composites Science and Technology, 2018,165, 175-182.(IF:5.16)

4. Thermoelectric Behavior of Aerogels Based on Graphene and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites.Lijuan Zhao*, Xijing Sun, Quan Li.  Composites Part B Engineering, 2015, 83:317-322.(IF:4.9)

5. Ultralight Conducting PEDOT: PSS/ Carbon Nanotube Aerogels Doped with Silver for Thermoelectric Materials. Xijing Sun, Yanhong Wei, Juanjuan Li, Jinghong Zhao, Lijuan Zhao* , Quan Li*. Science China Materials, 2017602):159~166.(IF:4.3)

6. Enhancing the thermoelectric property of Bi2Te3 through a facile design of interfacial phonon scattering. Lijuan Zhao, Yi He, Huan Zhang, Longfei Yi*, Jinrong Wu*.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018(768): 659-666.(IF:3.77)

7. Effect of annealing induced crystalline evolution on the scratch resistance of polylactide, Longfei Yi, Junrong Zhang, Jiyu Yang, Furong Sun, Huan Zhang, LijuanZhao*, Tribology International,2018(128):328-336.(IF:3.246)

8. Thermoelectric performance of conducting aerogels based on carbon nanotube/silver nanocomposites with ultralow thermal conductivity. Xijing Sun, Jinghong Zhao, Lijuan Zhao* ,Jinrong Wu, Quan Li. RSC Advances, 2016.10.316109878~109884.(IF:2.9)

9. Enhanced thermoelectric properties of hybridized conducting aerogels based on carbon nanotubes and pyrolyzed resorcinol–formaldehyde resin. Lijuan Zhao*, Jinghong Zhao, Quan Li*. Synthetic Metals, 2015, 205:64-69.(IF:2.5)

10. Huan Zhang, Jiyu Yang, Yongjiao Song*, Lijuan Zhao*. Synergism of Modified Graphene Oxide to Aircraft Structural Corrosion Inhibiting Compounds Coatings, Progress in Organic Coatings,2019.(IF:2.99)

11. Natural Rubber/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites Prepared by Latex Mixing. Lijuan Zhao*, Qin Zhong, Qi Liu, Jinghong Zhao, Wang xing. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, 2014545:581-592.(IF:2.4)

12. Juanjuan Li , Huan Zhang, Furong Sun , Hong Zhou, Lijuan Zhao*, Yongjiao Song*. The multiscale effects of graphene oxide on the corrosion resistance properties of waterborne alkyd resin coatings. Journal of Materials Research, 2019 , 34(6)950-958.(IF:1.49)

13. Yi He ; Yu Xia; Jin Zhao; ; Longfei Yi; Lijuan Zhao*, Yongjiao Son*g. One-step fabrication of PEI-modified GO particles for CO2 capture, Applied Physics A, 2019.2.5, 125: 1~9.  

14. Zhang Huan , Yang Jiyu , He Yi , Yi Longfei , Liu Yanling , Song Yongjiao* , Zhao Lijuan* . A Study on Molecular Motions through the Glass Transition of Styrene butadiene Rubber/Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites. Polymer Science,2019.

15. Real-time diagnosing polymer processing in injection molding using ultrasound. Lijuan Zhao* ,Yu Lai, Chen Pei, Cheng-Kui Jen, Kuo-Ding Wu. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 126(6):2059–2066.(IF:1.9)

16. Mechanically robust and shape-memory hybrid aerogels for super-insulating applications jinrong wu* , Lingping Zeng, Xiaopeng Huang, Guangsu Huang, Lijuan Zhao*. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017( 5 ):15048~15055.

17. The proper glass transition temperature of amorphous polymers on dynamic mechanical spectra. Zhouyue Lei, Wang Xing, Jinrong Wu, Guangsu Huang, Xiaoan Wang, Lijuan Zhao*. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 116:447–453.


